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The Pots Company

Identitätsbasierte Markenkommunikation und PR für Design, Möbel und Architektur. Hamburg, Düsseldorf

The Pots Company is an innovative manufacturer of planters. Their main consumer brand Ecopots has a unique approach, because Ecopots are made entirely from recycled materials, consisting of 80 percent recycled plastic. The timeless products are characterized by innovative and smart solutions.

All Ecopots have a unique handmade finish, which means that every pot is different. The composite formula of recycled plastic and natural minerals makes the pot not only strong and durable, but also very lightweight. Ecopots are UV resistant, shatterproof and resistant to temperature changes, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Their unique, natural look and feel makes Ecopots the brand of choice for those looking for a combination of timeless design and sustainability.


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