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Gärtner -en

GÄRTNER Internationale Möbel is one of the leading specialists for the planning and furnishing of office, contract and private spaces in Germany and has been present on the market for one hundred years.

The Hamburg showroom in the Große Bleichen extends over three floors and offers on 2,500 sqm furnishing ideas for working and living.

The majority of the team of over 50 furnishing consultants and interior designers as well as project management work in the new 700 sqm office. It serves as a living demonstration object for a practical implementation of "New Work".

Whether for offices, conference rooms, reception and lounge areas, restaurants, libraries or the private home, Gärtner develops tailor-made solutions. More than 100 reference projects, such as Delivery Hero, Otto and Jungheinrich, The Fontenay Hotel Hamburg, Suhrkamp Verlag, Hamburger Kunsthalle and Elbphilharmonie, as well as numerous private and international projects, underline the competence of Gärtner.


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