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Identitätsbasierte Markenkommunikation und PR für Design, Möbel und Architektur. Hamburg, Düsseldorf


The brand Lasvit, founded in 2007 by Leon Jakimic, sheds a new light on Bohemian glass and takes it into the next millennium. Lasvit combines the authenticity of glass with innovative technologies and creative craftsmanship. In a few short years, Lasvit has established itself as the authority delivering bespoke lighting sculptures and art installations made from hand-blown glass. Collaborations with renowned designers and artists produce also unique glass collections. Nendo, Ross Lovegrove, Daniel Libeskind, Campana Brothers, Maarten Baas, Czech legends René Roubícek and Borek Sípek are among those who choose Lasvit in order to embody their unconventional artistic vision, endow it with the precision and mastery of our glassmakers, and produce impressive creative oeuvre. This is a manifesto of Lasvit’s uncompromising mission: To transform glass into breathtaking light and design experiences.



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