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Identitätsbasierte Markenkommunikation und PR für Design, Möbel und Architektur. Hamburg, Düsseldorf

The stilwerk universe presents more than 800 premium brands in its design destinations, its stilwerk hotels and workspaces, in its online shop and via virtual tour. From the classical to the avant-garde, from the kitchen to the study, from planning to furnishing, from the showroom to digital shopping, stilwerk offers everything when it comes to premium design and relies on cooperation instead of competition. The stilwerk magazine, a design kiosk, cultural events and a network for architects round off the globally unique concept. At its locations in Hamburg, Düsseldorf and, from 2022, Rotterdam, brands, retailers and customers benefit in no small way from the prime location of the houses and hotels, the high-quality offerings in inspiring surroundings, the excellent service and the charisma of the stilwerk brand with its wide-ranging, cross-media communication channels. In 2021, stilwerk celebrated its 25th anniversary.


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