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Since its foundation in 1996, the international lighting manufacturer ewo has positioned itself as one of the most innovative companies in the lighting industry. With maximum modularity and functionality, outstanding quality and innovative design, professional lighting solutions are created with the aim of making people's stay in public spaces as pleasant as possible. The focus on the community-building and atmospheric aspects of light is expressed in the ewo philosophy of ‘empowering wellbeing outdoors’.

The customised, often project-specific and innovative ewo solutions combine three essential principles of lighting: effective light control with in-house developed precision optics (Shape of Light), durable and efficient technical luminaires (Body of Light) and intelligent, in-house developed hardware and software for light management (Intelligence of Light). The products and solutions from ewo are developed and manufactured at the company headquarters in Kurtatsch in South Tyrol (Italy) and are used worldwide in the fields of architectural lighting, urban areas, street lighting and large- area lighting for airports, logistics areas and sports facilities.


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